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Meet the Founder: Alysa Seeland of FOND Bone Broth

Founder Alysa Seeland with her children

It all started with an investment in herself. After life-saving GI surgery, Alysa healed her condition for good with homemade bone broth. Now, the FOND founder is sharing her incredible soup with the world.

The potential benefits of bone broth range from soothing the gut to supporting the mind, lungs, and immune system. Thanks to careful sealing, Alysa’s delicious panacea is ready in your pantry whenever you need it. As she likes to say, FOND is “brewed like a beer, infused like a tea, and sipped like espresso.” Made only with organic veggies and pasture-raised bones, it’s also the perfect starter for your own gourmet creations.

Recently, we caught up with Alysa to learn more about FOND and hear her advice for fellow entrepreneurs.

Jar of FOND bone broth

01 Why did you start FOND Bone Broth?

I was a new mom trying to nourish my own little family while facing a serious health battle of my own. I was eager to incorporate bone broth into my family’s diet, but I couldn’t find anything that was real, nutrient-dense, and easy to use. To make matters worse, all of the options in stores at the time were bland!

So, I created FOND, made with only organic ingredients and the highest-quality proteins possible. From there, I added synergistic combinations like turmeric and black pepper to make a bone broth that was — dare I say it — yummy enough to drink all on its own! Today, I’m a mom of five boys and so grateful to have real, delicious, nutrient-dense bone broth that’s ready whenever I need it.

02 What obstacles did you face along the way?

We wanted FOND to be shelf-stable, preservative-free, and bottled in glass containers. It took us nearly three years to achieve that while meeting USDA and FDA requirements. It was a difficult process, but I refused to compromise on flavor or nutritional value.

That’s why our bone broth is free of super tart acids and unnecessary additives like celery salt. That was worth fighting for and I’m glad I stuck to my principles.

Alysa with a jar of bone broth and a dog

03 What lessons do you have for other entrepreneurs?

If you really believe your idea is life-changing, do not give up on your dream. It might take years to get the packaging right and clear all the other hurdles, but it’ll be worth it when you see your product on the shelf!

It’s also important to know your strengths and identify your weaknesses. When you’re not good at doing something, hire people who excel in that area.

Surround yourself with people who love what you’re building. When your team clearly understands why they are needed and what they uniquely bring to the table, it brings a whole new level of camaraderie and teamwork!

04 What’s on the horizon for FOND Bone Broth?

We can’t wait to bring our new line of beef bone broth to stores. Made with grass-fed, grass-finished bones, it’s 100% organic with a flavor profile that’s simply out of this world!

We also have another new flavor in the works and more fun surprises for 2022. Naturally, we’re committed to sourcing regenerative proteins and that will continue with every ready-to-sip bone broth we bring to market.

Jar of organic chicken bone broth

05 How do you keep work/life balance? What drives/inspires you?

As a mom of five boys, people assume that I don’t have much of a work/life balance. But, I do — and you can achieve that too! It all goes back to knowing your strengths and hiring talented people to handle the things you’re not so good at doing.

Some people have more bandwidth than others. Most entrepreneurs have a lot of bandwidth and talent, which can tempt you to do it all on your own. That’s how burnout happens. Don’t do it alone and always remember to be kind to yourself. Take a break when you need it, even if it’s just 15 minutes of walking, napping, or reading.

Dolly Parton once said, “Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” That’s what inspired me to launch FOND. I’ve learned that these are actually two separate journeys — the discovery of your motivation and the execution.

I’ve accepted that I do everything with a lime-twist of whimsy. People aren’t always receptive to that, but that’s who I am. Cooking and creating new recipes in the kitchen is my artform. And, as an Enneagram 2, I love helping people.

When customers tell us that our broth has improved their lives, it’s the best feeling in the world. FOND has allowed me to blend my art and love of healing. I couldn’t be more inspired to continue on this journey.
