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Meet the Founder: Catherine McCord of Weelicious

Catherine McCord founder of Weelicious

Catherine McCord’s resume is truly a jaw-dropper. She posed for the cover of Elle, walked the runway for Donna Karan and Calvin Klein, co-hosted Loveline, and appeared in movies with the likes of Matt Damon and The Rock.

Oh, by the way, she’s also an accomplished chef, a mother-of-three, and the SoCal-based founder of Weelicious.

Weelicious began as Catherine’s side hobby, chronicling her finds at the local farmers market. Today, it’s one of the most influential brands in the healthy living space for families. Catherine shares her delicious dishes on her website, plus more tasty recipes in her cookbooks. Her latest, The Smoothie Project, features over 100 of her faves (and ours too!).

Recently, we caught up with Catherine to learn more about her unique journey and hear her advice for fellow entrepreneurs:

01 Why did you start Weelicious?

I graduated from culinary school and worked in several high-end restaurants, just like I had always dreamed. But, when I had my first son, I realized that I could cook a 4-star meal for adults, but had no idea how to make a kid a great eater.

Weelicious started as my daily journal. I’d write about visiting the Hollywood farmers market to buy fresh fruits and vegetables for our family and turning them into homemade baby food purees. Over time, it grew into so much more

Catherine McCord drinking smoothie

02 What obstacles did you face along the way?

Weelicious has always been a passion project for me and my family. Now, it’s turned into a brand.

The biggest obstacle is time. My focus has always been my family, so I try to make every hour of work or time with my kids as rich as possible.

03 What lessons do you have for other entrepreneurs?

Follow your passion.

When you launch a company, you need to be prepared to work on it 24/7. As the visionary for the company, you have to be willing to put everything you have into your brand and make sacrifices. Do whatever it takes to get your business to where you want it to be.

Cathrine McCord juggling oranges

04 What’s on the horizon for Weelicious?

I have a few exciting projects in the pipeline for 2021 and I can’t wait to share them with everyone.

I wrote The Smoothie Project cookbook while growing Weelicious and One Potato Box. Watching the book come to life and hearing from so many people who have loved adding smoothies into their everyday life has been a gift. There’s more on the way, and I’m really excited about continuing our mission of making mealtime easier, healthier and more fun!

05 How do you keep work/life balance? What drives/inspires you?

Balancing a family-of-five and two companies can be challenging, but it’s also incredibly fulfilling. I’m grateful that Weelicious and One Potato center around food and family, because that allows me to include my family in everything I do.
