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Meet the Founders

Meet the Founder: Kristin Fracassi Root & Splendor

Founder Kristin Fracassi holding a box of flowers

After creating a more natural and holistic lifestyle for her family, Kristin Fracassi realized just how difficult it is to find products that are totally free of toxins and harmful chemicals. Through research, Kristin found that many “all-natural brands” still contained toxic ingredients, inspiring her to get creative and craft her own line of household products.

The name Root and Splendor was born from the idea that humans, just as trees, need healthy roots to flourish and thrive. It took some time, but Kristin and her family worked tirelessly to create a formula that is 100% non-toxic, organic, and sustainable. Not a single ingredient found in Root and Splendor products is harmful to humans or the environment, providing you with household essentials that you can trust. From room sprays to laundry detergent, Root and Splendor offers effective solutions that leave your home cleaner and brighter than before.

Recently, we caught up with Kristin to learn more about their journey and hear their advice for fellow entrepreneurs.

Box of laundry concentrate

01 Why did you start Root & Splendor?

Root and Splendor was started out of a desire to have truly clean and non-toxic products for my family. As a mom of four young boys, I had wrongly assumed for years that the natural products we were using were safe for my kids. I didn’t bother diving into each ingredient and what it was, but instead just took the company’s word. When I learned that a lot of companies still use natural ingredients that are toxic, I was left feeling duped and disheartened. I realized I would have to take matters into my own hands if I wanted products with fully non-toxic and excellent standards.

02 What obstacles did you face along the way?

I set out to formulate the absolute best products on the market with strict standards of being 100% natural, 100% non-toxic, and 100% eco-friendly, yet still achieved premium results. Because of these exceptionally high standards, it took us about five years to formulate. Finding a team that would work with such requirements was difficult, and we had to weed through many chemists and scientists that didn’t want to accept the challenge. On top of that, finding ingredients that fit our standards was challenging because we would reference and cross-reference so much research about the toxicity level of all-natural ingredients. Lastly, having the formulas achieve premium results was an obstacle, but that is why we had our products third-party lab tested. After our test results came back at the premium level of clean for just 1 tablespoon (1/2 fl oz) of product, I knew we had created something exceptional.

Kristin holding Root & Splendor products

03 What lessons do you have for other entrepreneurs?

We have been so blessed at Root and Splendor with all of our organic growth. We continue to spread into refill and low waste stores around the world selling in bulk to help reduce single-use containers. We are also currently growing into the natural and organic markets. We hope to continue this momentum and spread the goodness of Root and Splendor. Beyond that, we have received numerous requests to formulate more products and expand into a kitchen line with our same, outstanding standards. So, stay tuned as we excitedly look forward to launching that line before long.

04 What’s on the horizon for Root & Splendor?

We have been so blessed at Root and Splendor with all our organic growth. We hope to continue this momentum and growth and spread the goodness of Root and Splendor. Beyond that, we have received numerous requests to formulate more products and expand into a kitchen line with our same, outstanding standards. So, stay tuned, as we excitedly look forward to launching that line before long.

Root & Splendor supplies

05 How do you keep work/life balance? What drives/inspires you?

First and foremost, my main calling in life is to be a present wife and mom to my four amazing boys. Trying to balance a thriving family alongside a thriving business proves difficult as both need a lot of attention, care, and time. One simple strategy I have tried to adopt is to take time at the beginning of each week to plan the upcoming week by the hour. I can then intentionally plan how I will spend my time for that week, and then the following week, I try again. Another way I strive to keep balance is to be intentional with our pace of growth at work. Before taking on larger clients, we decide if it’s the best timing. This strategy keeps our growth within some of our control. I get inspired and recharged by being outside and grounding myself in nature, so whether it’s gardening, playing with my animals, hiking, or camping, I strive to do a little of this each week.

Housewares Natural Woman-Owned