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Espresso Whipped Cream

Espresso Whipped Cream
<p>Pies, banana splits, and iced lattes wouldn&rsquo;t be the same without delicious dollops of whipped cream. Ready-made is great in a pinch, but nothing is better than a fresh, homemade batch. Plus, it&rsquo;s easier than you might think &mdash; all you really need is heavy cream, a whisk (or a mixer), and a little bit of sugar. In just a few minutes, you&rsquo;ll have a top-notch topper!</p> <p>From there, you can keep it classic or get creative. Want to make your citrus bundt cake extra special? Go on and grate some lemon zest into your whipped cream. Or, for a herbaceous twist, add some mint leaves to the mix. Just remember this simple ratio: 1 teaspoon of your favorite summer flavor for every 2 tablespoons of sugar.</p>


  • 1 cup heavy cream

  • 1/4 cup sugar

  • 1 teaspoon instant espresso granules


  1. Pour heavy cream and sugar into a chilled bowl (mixing bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer). Whip on medium speed until it holds soft peaks.
  2. Add espresso granules and continue to whip on medium speed until it holds medium peaks.
  3. Top off your dessert or coffee with espresso whipped cream. Enjoy!
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